Tools to Ready the Journey: A Father's Guide to a Faith-Filled Family
Haywood, Ray

A father’s guide to a faith-filled family


TRJ – Fathers Guide is comprised of 13 standalone chapters, all include a study guide and take away. The chapters are short, powerful, and easy to understand. They are intended to be used as tools of awareness handed on to ready the morally intentional journeyman for the challenges ahead by sharing parts of life’s canvas that only wisdom could reveal. Step closer by taking time out to listen to the chapter discussions podcasts that support each chapter. This website and the Facebook page have been created to support the readers that do not have the opportunity of sharing in a men’s group. Both containing 13 forums, one for each chapter meant to encourage group discussion on the platform of their choosing. Twitter and Instagram accounts are also in place, used for connecting the intentional journeyman, with other likeminded men of good will to strengthen the composure needed in his spiritual life to continually chip away, in humility, at the sin and vice that presents itself daily in his physical life. This book has a targeted audience of 18 to 35, but the wisdom that the older reader freely shares will be the key to it’s success because, before we can intentionally lead, we must first humbly follow… I hope that this blessing will build up not only men, but the communities around them, and the faith-filled families within them. Enjoy the read!

How to use This Website

The author, Ray Haywood, had a vision: to provide the next generation with the tools he’s learned on his journey and a platform for Men of all ages to share their knowledge.  We are all here to guide one another and share our experiences to become the best men and fathers we can be through intentionally building up our Faith community.

Read the Book


Learn the fundamental tools, which when compiled will paint a clearer picture of a father’s place within a faith-filled family.

Discuss Online

Strong communities are led by intentional men!

Let’s build up the communities around us by hand on our tools together…


Share the Wisdom

If you know of other men who could benefit from what is taught and discussed here, please share this site.  We welcome all who are open to learn and discuss their journey.


In-depth Interviews & Discussions

Listen to Ray discuss the intent behind writing TRJ Father’s Guide and learn how the book can help young men and old navigate through the bigger questions and issues they face.



Reason, Season and Lifetime Relationships

By: Raymond Haywood

People come into our lives for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime. Knowledge in understanding the measure needed toward approaching each stage, in virtue, will allow for us to better understand how to decipher and approach each stage of these relationships well…


About the Artwork

Get to know the inspiration behind the beautiful and intentional drawings from our two talented artists.

Dive Deeper

Forum Chapter Discussions

Strong communities are led by intentional men!

Let’s build up the communities around us by handing on our tools together…


“This book has been a true blessing.  Coming from a home with an absent father, I thought I had to figure it out all on my own.  With these tools, I have confidence to be the father that I never had.”

Brett Lee

“Every young man needs to read this book.  There are so few good role-models out there these days.  It’s like we’ve forgotten how to be good men.  I look forward to discussing what I’ve learned so far and grow with my peers in this faith-filled community.”

Marcus Gonzales

“Ray breaks everything down into simple concepts that I found easy for me to interalize and implement into my life.  Thank you! Let’s lift each other up!”

Brian Redding

Iron Sharpens Iron

The Fraternity of St. Joseph
Men’s Group 

The mission of the Fraternity of St. Joseph is to impart the value of each man’s faith-filled gifts to the next generation within its tools of reach.


Chapter Summaries and Discussions

Tools to Ready the Journey – Episode 1

Chapter 1: The Masculine Journey, Before we can intentionally lead, we must first humbly follow. To understand our roles as husbands and fathers, we must first understand what it truly means to be a man. God’s vision for a man’s place in the family is not reflected...

Tools to Ready the Journey – Episode 2

Chapter 2: Our Thoughts Are Not Our Own, Deciphering the narrative. Society has conditioned us to look down on people who hold deeply spiritual beliefs as weak or irrational. This notion is built on the argument that if so many religions exist in the world, then how...

Tools to Ready the Journey – Episode 3

Chapter 3: The Wedges of This World, Chipping away with moral intent. Let’s consider how the wedges of the world separate us from our spiritual destiny, and how this effect cascades into all other parts of our lives. The reality we all live with is that the world is...

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